Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Assignment 3 - Fantastic/Reality

This is my "fantastic" image. I blew out the colors by changing the exposure and in some parts the hue and saturation. I put things in the environment that don't necessarily look like they go in the abandoned building, such as the roses and the clusters of lollipops. I really played with color in this one to make it seem more fantastic but maybe still believe able, to kind of blur the lines and our reality and fantastic. I also blurred the lines within my cat image below.

This is my "reality" picture. The space is a recognizable one and pretty generic, especially at Rollins College and the subject matter is not shocking at the first look and then the viewer starts to understand that the image contains giant cats as well as regular cats and there are only really two different cats.

Take care!
Maggie B

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